by Caitlin Fris | Mar 2, 2017 | Exercise, Pregnancy and post-partum, Sex
Elvie: Your most personal trainer I’ve been sent a sample of ‘Elvie’ to try, and to give feedback to the manufacturer. Here’s what I think: Elvie is a device that you insert inside your vagina to give you feedback on your pelvic floor performance, via an app on...
by Caitlin Fris | Feb 23, 2017 | Pain, Pregnancy and post-partum
Carpal tunnel syndrome and DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis are the most common causes of wrist, hand and finger pain during and after pregnancy. So you’ve got this cute new human to look after, but your blimmin’ wrists kill you every time you want to pick her up?? Or...
by Caitlin Fris | Jan 9, 2017 | Pregnancy and post-partum
My awesome sister, an anaesthetist, delivers epidurals for a job. So I asked her some questions about epidurals during labour and she kindly and candidly answered them. Shot sis! “Holy shiiiiiit! I am pregnant. Not only am I pregnant, but I am in denial about having...
by Caitlin Fris | Dec 6, 2016 | Pregnancy and post-partum
I can hear some of you say ‘that’s the last thing on my mind now’, and other’s saying ‘Yes, WHEN!’ and other’s saying ‘I’ve tried, and it feels different, will it ever be normal?’ and still others saying ‘I’m worried about what my partner will think of me now’. First...
by Caitlin Fris | Dec 6, 2016 | Pregnancy and post-partum
A recent study (see reference below) asked 1507 women in Melbourne about painful sex after childbirth. It showed: 85% of women who had resumed sex by 12 months post partum experienced pain during first vaginal sex after childbirth By 18 months post childbirth, 98% of...
by Caitlin Fris | Nov 13, 2016 | Bowels, Pregnancy and post-partum
OASIS – Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries. Also known as 3rd or 4th degree tears from childbirth. Ouch. You know that puckering and lifting your perineum off the seat sensation you just got? Welcome to your pelvic floor ladies. OASIS can effect the function of...