by Caitlin Fris | Dec 11, 2016 | Pain
I had the pleasure of working with Jessica Zimmer in a hospital in Melbourne. Jess is a nurse completing her Masters in Urological Continence. She has been working in continence and urological nursing for 6 years and is a wealth of knowledge. I asked her some...
by Caitlin Fris | Oct 19, 2016 | Exercise, Pain, Pregnancy and post-partum
Pelvic girdle pain, pelvic instability, symphysis pubis dysfunction. Similar names for the same problems. I’ve seen many pregnant women seeking treatment for their pain, and they usually preface the appointment with ‘It’s probably just pregnancy...
by Caitlin Fris | Sep 13, 2016 | Exercise, Pain, Pregnancy and post-partum
‘How long does it take to get my body back after having a baby?’ New mums often ask me this question, and the answer in my head is often ‘how long is a piece of string?’ but I know that’s not very helpful. So my second answer is ‘it took 9 months to make your baby, so...
by Caitlin Fris | Aug 1, 2016 | Pain, Sex
Do you have back pain? Your fav sexual position may be contributing. 79% of the population have had low back pain (LBP). And sex is considered by health professionals as an ADL – activity of daily living (if you’re lucky). Therefore, the position you have sex in, may...
by Caitlin Fris | Aug 1, 2016 | Exercise, Pain, Pregnancy and post-partum, Sex
What are other names for a pelvic floor physio? Women’s health physioContinence physiotherapistPelvic health physiotherapistMen’s health physiotherapist Answer: all of the above. The problem is that none of the above titles really explains what I do. So: 2. What does...
by Caitlin Fris | Aug 1, 2016 | Exercise, Pain, Pregnancy and post-partum
The pelvic floor muscles: Why should you give your pelvic floor a bit of love? Because YOU ALL have one (even you blokes out there) and because pelvic floor dysfunction can cause: Leakage of wee or poo Painful sex or the inability to have sex Constipation Lower back,...