Blog — Learn more about your body
Strength training for the general population
So, your new years resolution is to start strength training. You know it could be important to you and you’ve heard a lot of chat about it, but let me help break down the benefits and how to build yourself up safely. Strength training means you are loading your...
Headaches – a literal pain in the neck
Whether you are someone who has ongoing neck pain and recurrent headaches or the occasional tight neck, it’s never fun. It can really ruin your day and they often prove to be stubborn. There are usually a number of factors that contribute to neck pain and headaches,...
Am I doing pelvic floor exercises correctly?
A lot of women I see for pelvic health physio appointments have been told about pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel’s - often through antenatal classes, Pilates classes, or friends. A lot of these women also confess that they’re not sure whether they’re doing them right...
Reducing your risk of birth injuries
There are several ways to reduce your risk of birth injuries. This article summarises whatthey are, the risk factors and what you can do to minimise the risk of these occurring. Birth injuries Severe perineal tearing – 80% of vaginal births will result in a...
Chronic Pain — and how does Physio help
I think it is initially worth exploring the physiology of pain - what is it, how does it work, what is the point of it? This will give us the context to then understand chronic pain better. f you have time to watch this excellent video from Lorimer Moseley, one of the...
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
Telling someone that they have a prolapse is often quite the deflating statement. Given the choice I’m sure we would all rather not have a prolapse, but we know that around 50% of women who have had a baby will be diagnosed with a prolapse at some point in their...
Myth busting — Caesarean Section recovery takes longer than Vaginal Delivery
This is a common misconception we hear daily in clinic. “I don’t want a C-section as I want to recover more quickly”. The length of time it takes to recover from birth depends on a multitude of factors and having a vaginal birth doesn’t mean you bounce back quicker....
Neck and back pain from breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding – baby is happy tucking in to their meal, you go to look up or over your shoulder and every thing hurts. Why????? Once bub arrives all of a sudden you are spending hours of your day sitting to breastfeed. Your neck is craning over to meet baby’s gaze,...
Runners knee
Anterior knee pain? Patella femoral pain? Runners knee? What is going on with my knee? Looking at your knee from a front on view you have the femur on top and the tibia below creating the knee joint. There is a groove in the front of the femur called the trochlear...
What’s the difference between Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Chiropractic treatment?
You’ve hurt yourself! Who do you go a see? Your friend has recommended their physiotherapist, your work colleague sees his chiropractor regularly for injuries, and your mum has used the same osteopath for years! All three health professions have a similar goal of...
Bladder urgency and how physiotherapy can help
Bladder urgency, also known as overactive bladder (OAB), is a frequent and sudden urge to urinate that may be difficult to control. You may feel like you need to go to the bathroom many times during the day and night, and may also experience unintentional urine...
How do I return to exercise after COVID-19?
By now a majority of Kiwis have been infected by COVID-19 at some stage over the past two years. Symptoms may include: Fever Cough Fatigue Loss of taste/smell Headaches Body aches and pains Sore throat Diarrhoea Shortness of breath With more serious symptoms including...
Breathing — the foundation of movement, health and well being.
Do you breathe? Of course. But do you breathe well? . . . Hmm . . . maybe not. Take a moment and bring some awareness to your body and your breath. Which parts of your body move as you breath in and as you breath out? Does your upper chest move? Does your rib cage...
Pilates home exercises to improve your golf swing
These 4 exercises, done 2-3 times a week at home, can improve your golf by improving your flexibility, stability and core strength. Thread the needle – to improve thoracic rotation and shoulder mobility Start on all fours. Reach your left arm up towards the ceiling...
Pilates for Back Pain
The incidence of low back pain is rising due to our sedentary lifestyles. 2020 has been a year of much lifestyle change with more people based from home and an increased risk of sedentary behaviours. A common recommendation for ongoing back pain is to start pilates....
Pilates to improve your golf swing
Can Pilates improve your golf swing? When you think of golf, you don’t naturally think of Pilates, but this form of exercise is golf’s perfect companion. Whether you’re a professional player or like to enjoy a few holes at the weekend, you can gain a lot from making...
Unity Studios COVID-19 Protocols
As kiwis, we are renowned for our resilience, our ability to use common sense to problem solve, and our capacity to band together during tough times. As health professionals at Unity Studios, the health and safety of our clients, our staff and ourselves, is our number...
Childbirth to half marathon in 1 year – my training programme
Last weekend I did the Hawkes Bay half marathon – and smashed my goal of completing it in under 2 hours! I finished in 1 hour 54 minutes and I’m bloody stoked about it (training in hilly Auckland must’ve helped!). I have a one year old baby, and signed up to the half...
Painful sex
Dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia, vestibulodynia. They’re all words thrown around to describe painful sex. Confusing right? There are many causes of painful sex, and women may feel it in different places, at different stages of their life (post-natal,...
My preggo exercise regime
As you all know by now, I PREACH about exercise during pregnancy due to the long list of benefits to the preggo mama, the baby and the labour. So I had big plans and expectations for my own exercise regime during pregnancy. The current guidelines recommend 2.5 hours...
Returning to running after childbirth
Leah contacted me about some information about the pelvic floor and running. I jumped at the chance to answer some questions about it, as it is a topic that really interests me. I am a runner – no crazy distances or anything, but I love the freedom, ease and whole...
Diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle, Diastasis recti, Rectus abdominis diastasis = WTF?
All of these terms mean the same thing: abdominal muscle separation. This is really common during and after pregnancy! Your belly may look like one of the above pictures, or you may feel like you still look pregnant, or you may notice a change in the way your tummy...
When to see a pelvic floor physio
Well, if you've just given birth.... CONGRATS! And really, just focus on resting and recovering. Once you've emerged from the newborn days of haze have a think about how you are feeling and what happened in the birth. If you have these symptoms, see a pelvic floor...
Elvie: The fitbit for your bits
Elvie: Your most personal trainer I’ve been sent a sample of ‘Elvie’ to try, and to give feedback to the manufacturer. Here's what I think: Elvie is a device that you insert inside your vagina to give you feedback on your pelvic floor performance, via an app on your...
Wrist/hand/finger pain during and after pregnancy
Carpal tunnel syndrome and DeQuervain's tenosynovitis are the most common causes of wrist, hand and finger pain during and after pregnancy. So you’ve got this cute new human to look after, but your blimmin’ wrists kill you every time you want to pick her up?? Or maybe...
Pregnant stationary cycling tips
Gone are the days of ‘eating for two’ and putting your feet up for 9 months when you are ‘with child’. As you know, exercising when you are pregnant is good for you and your baby. Many women get sore back or pelvic joints during pregnancy which may be stirred up by...
Epidural for labour
My awesome sister, an anaesthetist, delivers epidurals for a job. So I asked her some questions about epidurals during labour and she kindly and candidly answered them. Shot sis! “Holy shiiiiiit! I am pregnant. Not only am I pregnant, but I am in denial about having...
Urinary tract infection (UTI) – when ‘urine’ a bit of pain
I had the pleasure of working with Jessica Zimmer in a hospital in Melbourne. Jess is a nurse completing her Masters in Urological Continence. She has been working in continence and urological nursing for 6 years and is a wealth of knowledge. I asked her some...
Returning to sex after childbirth
I can hear some of you say ‘that’s the last thing on my mind now’, and other’s saying ‘Yes, WHEN!’ and other’s saying ‘I’ve tried, and it feels different, will it ever be normal?’ and still others saying ‘I’m worried about what my partner will think of me now’. First...
An interesting study on painful sex after childbirth
A recent study (see reference below) asked 1507 women in Melbourne about painful sex after childbirth. It showed: 85% of women who had resumed sex by 12 months post partum experienced pain during first vaginal sex after childbirth By 18 months post childbirth, 98% of...
Third and fourth degree tears during childbirth
OASIS - Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries. Also known as 3rd or 4th degree tears from childbirth. Ouch. You know that puckering and lifting your perineum off the seat sensation you just got? Welcome to your pelvic floor ladies. OASIS can effect the function of the...
6 things to help you recover after a cesarean
Cesarean Section Recovery 1. Preparation Let me preface this by saying that if you've had an emergency C-section, then obvs it's a bit late to prepare. However, all of these things will still be helpful to start doing now. Preparing and practicing the following points...
Vulvar varicosities – Say whaaaaaat? I have veins, where???
Yep, you can get varicose veins on your vulva. I have seen a few women with vulval varicosities and they usually report ‘swollen labia’, feeling of their vulva ‘about to burst’ and pain or discomfort in the area. Inconveniently, it’s difficult for a pregnant woman to...
Pelvic Girdle Pain – A real pain in the butt, back and groin
Pelvic girdle pain, pelvic instability, symphysis pubis dysfunction. Similar names for the same problems. I’ve seen many pregnant women seeking treatment for their pain, and they usually preface the appointment with 'It's probably just pregnancy pains' or 'I know...
8 exercises to do with your child in the pram
Post natal exercise Kate Ivey has made this fantastic little video of 8 exercises to do when out walking with your child in the pram. If you have pelvic girdle pain swap the lunges and the walking side kicks for more squats to keep weight even between both feet. And...
To poo or not to poo (and how to do it right)
Victoria White (pelvic floor physiotherapist) writes about the correct way to empty your bowels, and prevent constipation: Do you remember the time when you were in nappies, free to do your business whenever you wanted? When did you figure out whether it was a number...
Recovery after birth: whip your pelvic floor into shape
Recovery after childbirth So, you’ve just had a baby, your vagina feels like its been mountain biking for 10 days straight, and you’re wondering what the hell to do to make it better? First off, read here, to learn what to do whilst in hospital after birth. Then,...
Recovery after birth: post natal exercise
Recovery and exercise after childbirth After the first week of rest and recovery, it’s time to start thinking of a regular exercise regime. Yes, I know you’re exhausted and dazed and confused, and the last thing you feel like doing is putting on lycra, strapping your...
Recovery after birth – the first 48 hours
‘How long does it take to get my body back after having a baby?’ New mums often ask me this question, and the answer in my head is often ‘how long is a piece of string?’ but I know that’s not very helpful. So my second answer is ‘it took 9 months to make your baby, so...
Prolapse. Help!
Vaginal prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse. Cystocele. Rectocele. Uterine prolapse. Sounds terrifying right? Images of a woman’s uterus hanging around her knees come to mind. And yes, it is often scary for a woman who feels it for the first time. But fear no more!...
5 myths about exercise during pregnancy – busted!
1.‘I wasn’t exercising before I fell pregnant, so I can’t exercise now’ Wrong! *throws her hands up in the air in exasperation* The energy used during a ‘average’ labour is similar to the energy burnt during a half marathon. You wouldn’t go into a half marathon...
“I’m not incontinent, I just have LBL.”
Urinary Incontinence … Sorry, light bladder leakage = incontinence. And us pelvic floor physios have a bit of a grump about the term ‘LBL’. It’s a marketing strategy, coined by continence pad brands, which essentially normalises something that is, yes, common, but...
Sorry honey, not tonight, my back is too sore
Do you have back pain? Your fav sexual position may be contributing. 79% of the population have had low back pain (LBP). And sex is considered by health professionals as an ADL – activity of daily living (if you’re lucky). Therefore, the position you have sex in, may...
Water: how much should you drink?
We seem to be told constantly to ‘drink at least 2L of water a day’ or ‘8 large glasses of water a day’, so much so that I used to feel guilty if I wasn’t carrying a drink bottle with me all day, constantly sipping from it, and rating the colour of my wee on a...
7 question quiz: What does a vagina physio do?
What are other names for a pelvic floor physio? Women’s health physioContinence physiotherapistPelvic health physiotherapistMen’s health physiotherapist Answer: all of the above. The problem is that none of the above titles really explains what I do. So: 2. What does...
Your pelvic floor
The pelvic floor muscles: Why should you give your pelvic floor a bit of love? Because YOU ALL have one (even you blokes out there) and because pelvic floor dysfunction can cause: Leakage of wee or poo Painful sex or the inability to have sex Constipation Lower back,...